CSC meeting N. 2
- 16 Aprile 2013, ore 14.30: “Presentazione delle ricerche dei membri della comunita’”, Aula 103, Palazzo San Niccolo’, via Roma, 56, Siena.
14.35-14.45: C. Mocenni: Introduzione e saluti
14.45-15.00: M. Alderighi, G. Bevilacqua, V. Biancalana, Y. Dancheva, A. Khanbekyan, L. Moi: Laser spectroscopy and applications to the magnetometry
15.00-15.15: C. Bocci, L. Chiantini: Tensor analysis for detecting hidden variables and data structures
15.15-15.30: R. Chiarucci, M. Loffredo, L. Valori: Socio-economic systems and complex networks
15.30-15.45: F. Ruzzenenti: Structural change in energy system: a network-based approach
15.45-16.00: S. Furini: Watching ions in membrane proteins by Molecular Dynamics simulations
16.00-16.15: Coffee break
16.15-16.30: G. Lucaroni: Water Resources Economic Value
16.30-16.45: M. Oggioni: Within host selection for fitness of pathogenic bacteria
16.45-17.00: P. Pin: Networks to Economics: Markets, Team Formation and Multiculturalism
17.00-17.15: D. Madeo, C. Mocenni: Nonlinear processes in reaction-diffusion equations and brain dynamics
17.15-17.30: D. Chiarugi: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics in biochemical systems
17.30-18.30: Tavola rotonda sull’organizzazione e sulle iniziative future della Comunita’.