Stefano Rossi
Personal homepage:
E-mail: stefano.rossi AT
Phone: +39396037249
Department: Advanced System Technology at STMicroelectronics
Address: Via C. Olivetti 2, 20864 Agrate Brianza (Mi)
Stefano Rossi was born in Siena, Italy in 1979 and received the Laurea degree (honors) in Electronic Engineering from University of Pisa, Italy, in 2005. After one year spent as Research Assistant at the CRIM Laboratory of Scuola Superiore Sant\'Anna, Pisa, in 2006 he joined STMicroelectronics, Milano, Italy, as Analog Designer, working on shock and vibration sensing in hard disk motor controllers. In 2009 he moved to Advanced Systems Technology (AST) division of STMicroelectronics (STM), as Advanced Research Engineer on biomedical remote monitoring applications. He has been resident engineer in Mayo Clinic (Rochester MN, USA) in May 2009, for testing an innovative electronic patch (BodyGateWay) for remote monitoring of physiological parameter, developed in a research project involving STM and Mayo Clinic. Since 2011 he is also PhD student at The Biorobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant\'Anna of Pisa in the framework of a collaboration between STM and the school. He is also member of Complex Systems Community (CSC) of the University of Siena. His main research interests are in the fields of wearable systems for remote monitoring and biosignals acquisition and processing.
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