Agnes Allansdottir
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Agnes Allansdottir is a social psychologist from the London School of Economics. From 1996 she lectured on the psychology of communication and ethics at the University of Siena and acted as a principal investigator on a series of EC funded international research projects exploring the relationship between culture, society and scientific and technological developments through the analysis of societal dialogues, communication processes and the dynamics of public opinion. She has published widely (Nature, Nature Biotechnology, PNAS) and presented her work to high level international conferences, such as the Annual Meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Royal Society of London, UNESCO chair of Bioethics international conference. She is a member of the Complex Systems Society and is affiliated with the Complex Systems Community of the University of Siena. She is a regular reviewer for major international scientific journals such as International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Science Communication, Public Understanding of Science. Throughout her research career she has repeatedly given advice to policy makers both nationally and on a European level.
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